The Martial Arts Instructor Academy - implement a Leadership Program in your school

Build a Leadership Program in Your School Today!

We have the knowledge and the know how to take your school to the next level.

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FREE Sample Of Our Program


Flood Your School with Instructors

Want more instructors than you know what to do with? The you will want to use our ready to use, easy to implement instructor training program. We teach you how to start grooming instructors from age 12 and how to develop great new instructors year after year.

Leadership Program

The Jr. Leadership Training Program is an organized and well thought out compilation of 12 Character Development Topics supported by 4 video lessons each. That's a total of 52 videos to use as leadership lessons in your Jr. classes.

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Instructor Training

A systematic plan to create the instructors and leaders you want and need in your academy. Don't find yourself in a desperate situation and end up loosing students because an unqualified instructor was teaching a class.

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Martial Arts Staff

A done for you instructor training program for any Martial Arts Style. 5 levels that come with lesson plans for you that include training activities and outlines to teach the material in each level to your team.

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Increase Your School's Value and Income

A well designed, well run leadership program can give you the edge your school needs to be THE place in town to train as well as provide opportunity for increased revenue.


We have a Special Offer just for you! Join our program today.

Meet Our Owners Grand Master Amanda Olson-Illescas & Master Keith Olson

We, Keith and Amanda, would like you to know that our countless years of building this program and refining it into what you see today is available to you now in an easy to implement, easy to use quality done for your program. Whether you wish to build your own Dream Team of Instructors, enhance your programs character development lessons, or have a ready to use tool box for assemblies and buddy days, this program easily fills all of those needs. With 52 children's lessons and countless more instructor lessons, you will never run dry of material to teach. We also support you in implementation as well. With weekly zoom calls, a you tube channel with extra information and a weekly blogs post on all things leadership and instruction in your martial arts school. We offer a truly unique service backed with over 40 years of teaching and training experience. Feel free to call us or email us with your questions on how to get started! FLOOD YOUR SCHOOL WITH INSTRUCTORS! - We mean it.