Confidence – Don’t Listen to Naysayers
Confidence-Don’t Listen to Naysayers
Life Lessons to Compliment the Jr. Leadership Program Guide of the “Martial Arts Instructor Academy”

Confidence, specifically self-confidence, is probably one of
the most significant qualities in a person that launches
them forward to do amazing things in life. The lack of
confidence is what holds them back from ever doing all the
things they want and need to do. It’s a funny thing because
unlike many other qualities, confidence takes practice. We talk about “building” confidence, and this is very true. Building your confidence takes practice but the cool thing is that every time you practice, even a little, you build more confidence. The only thing you really need is a tiny bit of guts to take one small step forward and then you have launched yourself into a world of freedom to pursue the life you want and really deserve. Every
person with an amazing idea or dream had people around them trying to hold them back, but confidence allows you to push that negativity to the side and go for it. Today, do one thing for yourself that will help build your confidence. It will make all the difference.
Master Character Lessons
Grand Master Amanda Illescas
A culmination of lessons learned as a Martial Artist and Instructor.
True stories of a life well lived, so far.