The Martial Arts Instructor Academy - implement a Leadership Program in your school

Teach Martial Arts Students to Build their Strengths

Perfect Your Gifts

If you are aware of the gifts and talents you have been given, you can rest in the hope that you have what it takes to see your dreams come true. Your talents have been given to you for a reason and when you embrace them and use them to pursue your goals; you will be able to reach them. One of my favorite examples of this is when I look at the athletes during the Olympic Games. There are so many different sports and when you look at the body types for each sport you can see that each athlete was born to do that event. Swimmers have a certain body type, runners, volleyball players, weightlifters… the list goes on. They have learned to take the physical talents they have been given and perfected them in such a way to reach their goal. Figuring out the non-physical talents in your life may be a little more difficult to detect, but once you do, perfect them, train them, and see if your hopes and goals don’t follow after. God has given you a talent. Have faith and hope that he will help you develop it in such a way that will honor Him, benefit those around you and bring you joy.

Master Character Lessons
Grand Master Amanda Illescas

Life Lessons to Compliment the Jr. Leadership Program Guide
A culmination of lessons learned as a Martial Artist and Instructor.
True stories of a life well lived, so far.
Grand Master Amanda Illescas

Amanda Olson-Illescas is an award-winning author and co-owner of Olson’s Martial Arts Academy in Johnson City, TN. She has over 40 years training and teaching in Martial Arts and has raised a team of instructors and leaders to continue her vision.  She teaches weekly in her studio and is passionate about equipping students of all ages to reach their full potential.  ol******@ol******.com