Teamwork: The Post Important Social Skill for Success
Teamwork: There is an “I” in TEAM and it is “U”!
Being part of a team doesn’t necessarily mean less responsibility on your part, it could mean even more responsibility. Typically, the reason for a team is because the job at hand is large; too large for one person. Because of this, your role as part of the team is larger and reaches more people than you would ever be able to reach alone. If you are the weak link in the group, the one who misses the planning meetings, is late with your contribution or do a poor job, you, the “I” has caused the whole team and their mission to suffer. Conversely, if you are on time, make every effort to be a part and your contributions are to the best of your abilities then “U” have single-handedly, strengthened the teams mission.
Think about the teams you are currently a part of. How are “U” doing as a member? Are “U” a problem solver? Are “U” giving your all, doing your best? Being part of a team is not a chance to hide in the back and let others do the work. It is a time for “U” to shine and show off your individual talents as “U” help build a strong team. So again, I submit that there is an “I” in TEAM and it’s “U”!
Master Character Lessons
Grand Master Amanda Illescas
Life Lessons to Compliment the Jr. Leadership Program Guide
A culmination of lessons learned as a Martial Artist and Instructor.
True stories of a life well lived, so far.
Grand Master Amanda Illescas
Amanda Olson-Illescas is an award-winning author and co-owner of Olson’s Martial Arts Academy in Johnson City, TN. She has over 40 years training and teaching in Martial Arts and has raised a team of instructors and leaders to continue her vision. She teaches weekly in her studio and is passionate about equipping students of all ages to reach their full potential. ol******@ol******.com
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Copyright 2024 by Grand Master Amanda Illescas
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