We have the knowledge and the know how to take your school to the next level.
Never worry about having enough instructors to run your classes again. With plenty of qualified assistants on the mat, your students will receive the attention they need to progress.
You can have the time you need to talk with families and students without holding up the next class.
Vacation? Yes, you can take time off trusting that you have quality people teaching amazing classes while you are away. It’s a simple matter of inviting, training, and scheduling. We help you do all of that.
#leadership #education #teaching #martialarts #lessonplan Amanda and Keith give you insight into their background, experience and passion in this first Leadership Training Academy podcast. Our goal is to help you create instructors and leaders to help you grow your school, build leaders you can trust and create a strong group of people to teach classes. A systematic plan to create the instructors and leaders you want and need in your academy. Don’t find yourself in a desperate situation and end up loosing students because an unqualified instructor was teaching a class. Emergencies happen, be prepared and feel confident your staff has everything under control. Vacation? With a great staff, you can take off and be confident things will run smooth while you are away. Our tested and proven program can make this happen for you. It’s easy – Plug and Play- Start Today. Reach out to us at ol******@ol******.com https://olsonsma.com/
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